Just a reflection on our own institutions.
I have been involved with the IAM on and off for almost 25 years. I attended Asset Management Council meetings and conferences (under different names) when I lived and worked in Australia in the 2000s. I have been impressed by the IPWEA since someone brought back a copy of the IIMM to the UK around 2001. My boss was instrumental in setting up the GFMAM.
These are just the most obvious AM institutions. (But shout out to Canadian AM networking here, too.)
They have not always been particularly friendly to each other, but at roughly 30 years old at their oldest, we seem to have developed some institutional maturity.
I was heartened to realise that, for all its limits – well delineated by Richard Edwards and others at the recent IAM UK conference – the revisions and new ISO 55000 documents involved hugely more people this time around.
The IAM itself has grown and now functions in more European and Asian countries, as well as succeeding in the USA; it has a truly excellent CEO in Ursula Bryan. I love the IPWEA ‘Ask Your Mates’, the kind of practical support we need from out networking.
But perhaps the best sign of all was a workshop last month on ‘Peak Infrastructure?’. A room full of Asset Managers asking what infrastructure we really need. And how there is work still to be done to make a lasting difference. Changing national government policies not to incentivise (or give in to developers and construction companies) building new when we can maintain what we have.
All physical assets come at a cost, often a very steep one in impact on the environment and communities. We have to take the lead to make sure we understand costs versus benefits.
That’s the real question when we get together as Asset Managers.
*IAM: Institute of Asset Management, HQ in UK. IPWEA: Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia. GFMAM: Global Forum on Maintenance and Asset Management, established by the IAM, Asset Management Council and others. Asset Management Council in Australia. Canadian Network of Asset Managers, plus Provincial AM networks such as AMBC and AMOntario.

An Asset Management friend recently emailed me that her CEO had challenged her view of the importance of AM to their whole business strategy. “So asset management is improving our passenger experience? Asset management is improving employee engagement? Asset management cures cancer?”
While, on the other hand, even plenty of people with ‘Asset Manager’ in their job title act like their job is to manage the list of assets in an IT system.
ISO 55000 makes bold claims, that I think it cannot substantiate. That the same principles we apply to managing physical assets hold true to managing anything else of value, like financial assets, or people. I suspect that the good folks who wrote ISO 55000 may have no idea what that even means – or, put it this way, would you necessarily go to an engineer to tell you how to manage people?
So I do in practice think there’s a limit.
However, managing physical assets clearly is a huge part of running an asset-intensive organisation such as transit or power, or even a city. It’s certainly most of their budget and resources. If you can get that right, many good things should follow, like profit, customer service and, yes, engaged workforce.
But perhaps the real point is that to manage the physical assets well, you have to think about profit, customer service, and engaged workers.
To me, it’s obvious that it matters – it matters hugely that we do manage our essential infrastructure well, that not merely our economy but quality of life and planetary health depend on it. So we need a wider vision, an understanding of interconnections and dependencies, ‘the bigger picture’.
Asset management will not cure cancer. It has boundaries.
But managing the physical assets that underpin our society effectively is probably wide enough scope to be getting on with, don’t you think?
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