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Ten questions guided the development of Asset Management in its first ten years. Here are the questions and how they arose.
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Or, if you prefer epub to kindle then they are available at any of the following:
- https://www.booktopia.com.au/the-story-of-asset-management-penny-burns/ebook/9780645941418.html
- https://www.scribd.com/book/678797771/The-Story-of-Asset-Management-Infrastructure-We-can-afford-to-buy-it-Can-we-afford-to-keep-it
- https://www.fnac.com/livre-numerique/a18804449/Penny-Burns-The-Story-of-Asset-Management
And, indeed, for a short time, you can ‘try before you buy’, for you can read the first few chapters (here)
What it is about. The story of the first ten years of asset management starts back in 1984 and is presented in five parts: one for each role I occupied in those first ten years, each of which suggested the questions that needed to be answered and provided scope for tackling the answers. This does not mean I was the only one involved and you will meet many of the other early starters.
The five roles were: Corporate planning for the State’s water authority; Research officer for the Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee; Manager of industry policy in Public Works; Advisor to the Minister of Construction, Resources and Energy in Tasmania; and, finally, as an Independent Advisor.
Each part covers approximately two years in the period from 1984 to 1993. The first two chapters in each part deal with the questions I explored at the time, followed by two chapters “Reactions” and “Moving On”, which look at some of the things that happen when you are happily trying to change your world.
See why I found asset management so challenging – and a great deal of fun.
AN INVITATION! If you would like to be part of our next volume, “Asset Management in Practice – What worked, what didn’t, and WHY” watch this space!
APPENDIX. ALL REFERENCES FOR ‘THE STORY OF ASSET MANAGEMENT’ are coming soon (once I can get them condensed to a size that the website will accept!)
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