A career in Asset Management?

I have known – and quite probably, so have you – many who have fought their way to the end of their studies, perhaps in medicine, law or teaching, only to find that their chosen field is something for which they are quite temperamentally unsuited and they need to start all over again. Fortunately, for those who wish to make their career in the management of physical assets, this fate can be avoided. 

In Leadership Assets, Dr Monique Beedles takes you through four stages of an asset management career – from an Apprenticeship role where your task is to learn and you are leading yourself, through the next stage as Advisor where you lead others and your task is to establish credibility, and on to being an Advocate where you are now ‘leading people who lead people’ and your role is as an influencer, and finally, if you wish, a role as Ambassador where you represent an industry and lead a community.  

You don’t need to be at the beginning of your career to benefit greatly from this book, although if you are, you are lucky indeed.  Even those considerably advanced along a particular pathway will be encouraged by seeing how much further they may still progress. 

Whatever spot on this spectrum you choose for yourself, you will not only find here a clear outline of the key ‘smarts’ you require: ‘tech’ smarts, ‘biz’ smarts and ‘people’ smarts, but also, and importantly, how to develop your strength in the ones  you need.  This is the main core of the book.  It is brightly written, brief, to the point and immensely useful.  

This is one of those books that when you find it at the end of your career, as I have done, you are left with a great desire to start all over again – and do it properly!

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